Free Shipping Threshold:
Enjoy complimentary shipping on all orders exceeding a total cart value of Rs.3000. This exclusive benefit is our way of expressing gratitude for your valued patronage.
Order Tracking:
Tracking your order has never been easier! Every order comes with a unique Tracking ID. To monitor your package's status, visit the Official Blue Dart Tracking platform, enter your Tracking ID, and get real-time updates. It’s quick and hassle-free!
Returns for Damaged Products:
In the unfortunate event of receiving a damaged product, we are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction with a streamlined returns process. Please follow these steps to initiate a return:
a. Visual Documentation:
- Record an uncut video while opening the parcel. This video serves as crucial evidence to support your claim of damage.
b. Timely Submission:
- Returns for damaged products must be initiated within 1 day of delivery. This strict timeframe ensures a fair evaluation of the product's condition.
c. Incident Verification:
- Our team will thoroughly review the submitted video to verify the damage claim. This step ensures the authenticity of the request and maintains the integrity of our returns system.
d. Product Condition:
- Returns will be approved only if the product shows clear evidence of damage. Any inconsistencies in the provided documentation may result in the denial of the return request.
Exceptional Customer Support:
For any challenges or inquiries regarding our shipping and returns policy, our customer support team is here to assist you. Reach out to us via:
We’re always happy to help and ensure your experience with Gift To Love is nothing short of excellent!